The Axioms of Mind

Axiom 0.

The mind is a creation of the being in order to guarantee its own (the being's) survival. It is nothing more than a collection of significances. From another point of view, it is an attempt to pose and resolve problems relating to survival and to direct the effort of the organism according to these solutions.

The Remaining Axioms

  1. The purpose of the mind is to survive and be right To that end, it will do anything!

  2. At the level of action, the mind seeks to shut off any and all confusion, in any way that it can.

  3. Lies are the "glue" that hold the mind together. If an aspect of mind seems to "stick" (ie. persist), then it is being held in place by one or more lies.

  4. The individual seems to manifest as three different personages (or harmonics of these three personages). They are:

    1. Person #1 - Who you REALLY are - I AM that I AM.
    2. Person #2 - The horrible person you have concluded that you are - an attempt to deny Person #1
    3. Person #3 - The wonderful person you present yourself as to others - a denial of Person #2.
    4. Person #4 - A harmonic of Person #2, created out of a sort of guilt for living as Person #3.
    5. Person #5 - A harmonic of Person #3, created as a "solution" to Person #4.
    6. Ad-infinitum.

    Persons #2 onward are clearly lies. From some points of view, Person #1 is ALSO a lie. (In psychology, Person #1 is known as the EGO.) Generically speaking, persons 2 thru "N" are valences (personalities). Spiritual progression and proper therapy results in the falling away of these false personages.

  5. The purpose of therapy is to assist the individual in eradicating the lies of the mind. Telling the truth brings about vanishment of unwanted conditions and eventually results in dismantling the mind completely. The BEING (void) in actual fact does not need a mind in order to BE.

  6. In the mind, when logic is pitted against emotions, logic [frequently] loses. This is why analytical approaches to therapy are frequently ineffective.

  7. "There is nothing either good nor bad - only thinking makes it so". Good/Bad; Right/Wrong - these are all nothing more than [unnecessary] significances.

  8. In the mind there are three levels of discrimination: Differentiation, Association, Identification.
  9. There is a 4th possibility known as Distinction, which is actually the context out of which the first 3 exist.

  10. At the level of mind, resolution of survival issues take the form: More, Better or Different - these are nothing more than [unnecessary] (or arbitrary) significances.

  11. In the mind, all significances manifest in the form of: BE, DO or HAVE.

  12. There are seven aspects of mind: Unconscious, Sub-conscious, Reactive-Conscious, Analytical-Conscious, Collective-Conscious, Intuitive-Conscious and Super-Conscious.

    1. The Unconscious mind contains the most base-level significances of the individual. In essense, it is serves as the contextual cornerstone of the individual. At this time, we know only of its existence and very little about it's content. It is not innacurate to say that to the degree that one is influenced by the Core, one is operating out of "no-awareness" or "hidden" awareness.

    2. The Sub-Conscious mind is composed mainly of Scripts, Survival-Computations and facsimiles of long duration. It has been theorized that only the segments of the sub-conscious which are "immediately nercessary" actually reside in the cortex of the brain. Other sub-conscious "material" is effectively "down-loaded" as needed from the personal thought-pool.

    3. The Reactive Mind is composed of Engrams, Secondary-Engrams and Lock-Incidents. Evidence seems to suggest that the Reactive mind (at least the engramic aspects of it) reside in the limbic system of the brain.

    4. The Analytical Mind contains the ["this life"] thinkingness of the individual. Evidence seems to suggest that the Analytical mind resides in the frontal lobes of the brain.

    5. The Intuitive Mind is probably no a "mind" per-se', but an integration of the "useful" aspects of the "lower" levels of the mind.

    6. The Collective Mind is composed of the thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, facsimiles and (in general) significances. It is partitioned by species or group. A Group is essentially a significant context.

    7. The Super-Conscius Mind is..... It would not be inaccurate to say that to the degree you are in the context of Super-consciousness, you are essentially beyond-awareness; or put another way, you ARE awareness.

    8. The basic manifestation of the Unconscious mind are base-level significances unique to the individual. It is the basis (or basic) for the Sub-Conscious mind and is therefore occluded by it.

    9. The basic manifestations of the Sub-Conscious mind are Postulates, Survival-Computations, Emotional-Packets and Mind-Scripts.

    10. The basic manifestations of the Reactive mind are somatics and [excessive] mis-emotion. A somatic is comprised of one or more: Attitudes, Emotions, Sensations and/or Pains.

    11. The basic manifestation of the Analytical Mind is accurate intellectual reasoning.

    12. The basic manifestation of the Intuitive Mind is Creative Expression based upon Obnosis.

    13. The basic manifestation of the collective-mind are thoughts, feelings and emotions which are other-derived.

  13. Confusion is simply an experience of disorientation caused by the inability to establish the appropriate Time, Place, Form and Event. To shut off the confusion (Per Axiom 1), the individual adopts one or more significances as a Stability Factor. At the level of mind, to the degree that the confusion is sucessfully eradicated, the Stability Factor is considered legitimate and valid.

  14. A Survival-Computation is a self-generated computation alledgedly designed to further the survival of the individual. In actual fact, the computation is very contra-survival. Central to these computations is the need to be right.

  15. A Facsimile is a mental image picture resident in the Reactive Mind. It is usually created during an engramic experience, but can sometimes be mocked up under stress via programming resident in the Sub-Conscious mind.

  16. The Service Facsimile is a Survival-Computation combined with a facsimile. Because it includes visio (the facsimile), effects of a Service-Facsimile are many-fold in excess of a stand-alone facsimile (Havingness) or Survival-Computation (Doingness).

  17. Survival Computations can be held in place (i.e. reinforced) by one or more:
    1. Survival Computations (S-Comps)
    2. An Emotional Packet (E-p)
    3. A Reactive Engram

  18. An Emotional Computation (E-Comp is a Survival Computation held in place by a packet of Emotion; usually mis-Emotion.

  19. A hidden standard is a forgotten Survival-Computation made in response to (and kept alive by) a problem of long-duration.

  20. Problems are essentially two significances (things, ideas or situations) in conflict (ie. opposing) each other.

  21. The adoption of a problem (Significance .vs. counter-Significance) is a complex way of creating a stability factor to keep a prior confusion [seemingly] in suspension.

  22. In order to persist, all problems contain [some sort of] a lie. One possible form of the lie is that the problem itself is necessary and therefor [somewhat] insurrmountable. Two truths, although in opposition tend to cancel each other out.

  23. In order for a problem to persist there must be a payoff in having it present.

  24. Problems of long duration contain failed solutions; i.e. hidden standards. Hidden standards have payoff-value.

  25. Failed solutions are in effect a form of resistence; and resistance begets persistence (of the problem).

  26. Frequently, what were at first solutions to a problem become new problems. Therefore, effecting a solution often creates a loss. These losses serve as "locks" on the original problem, as well as the new problem the solution became. Scanning thru problem locks helps to significantly unburden the original problem, as well as its "solution".

  27. People consistently lie, however the lying is [somewhat] unconscious. By having individuals actively invent lies about their problems they become more at cause over their lying and it begins to cease.

  28. To solve their problems, people often ask "Why", in regard to them. Asking WHY is deadly! Instead they should ask: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE & HOW. From that, a Why MAY appear of its own accord. Be careful that asking WHAT, doesn't become a disguised Why and therefore a listing question.

  29. Worry is frantic mental activity fueled by [past] incompletions. The purpose of worry is the postponement of action. "Telling" people how to solve their problems doesn't help, nor does evaluating their worry for them. People need to discover (for themselves) what their incompletion(s) are.

  30. Comunication is the exchange of significances between life-entities (beings), consisting of thoughts, feelings, emotions, postulates, efforts and facsimiles.

  31. The Communication Formula is: Emenation - Transfer - Reception