of November 25,
This is a legal
agreement between you, the end user, and Casino
(herein referred to as C.G.S.).
The enclosed
software program (herein known as "the Software") is
licensed by C.G.S.
for use only under the terms set forth herein. Please read this
agreement. If you do not agree to these terms,
do not
install the software - return the complete product with proof of
purchase to the vendor immediately for a full refund.
GRANT OF LICENSE --- C.G.S. grants to you the right to use one copy of the enclosed Software on a single desktop computer by one user at a time. You may also install the enclosed Software on a single laptop computer for personal use, provided that it is not being used concurrently (meaning at the same moment in time) on the desktop system. Boris design was intended for dual-use (laptop .vs. Desktop -or- desktop .vs. Desktop), but used alternately, not concurrently.
The Software is protected by copyright laws of the United States. C.G.S.
authorizes you to make archival copies of the Software for the sole
purpose of protecting your investment from loss. Otherwise, it is
illegal to make copies of the Software, without the written
permission of C.G.S.
In particular, it is illegal to give a copy to another person by
transferring the Software electronically or by any other means. You
also may not copy the written materials accompanying the Software,
except for archival purposes, as outlined above.
You may permanently transfer to another person or company all of
your rights to use the Software provided that you transfer to that
person or company all of the software media and documentation
provided in this package, and destroy or transfer any copies,
including backup copies and copies on any medium, including hard
disks. It may then be used only at the single location to which it is
transferred, and only in accordance with this license agreement.
You may not rent or lease the Software. Additionally, you may not
reverse engineer, de-compile, dis-assemble, or create derivative
works from any Software written by Casino
WQ6X Software, NeuroLogiK Solutions,
the Human
or the Performance Enhancement
warrants the physical media and/or downloaded files, as well as any
accompanying physical documentation to be free of defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of Ninety (90) days from the
purchase date.
It is the
responsibility of the software vendor to replace the defective media
or documentation.
If your vendor
is unable to replace the defective materials, send them to C.G.S.
for replacement.
If you are
having problems with the Software, you can receive free software
assistance, by addressing your
Questions or
Difficulties to:BorisSupport@BorisBJ21.Com.
The remedy for
breach of this warranty shall be limited to replacement of defective
media or documentation, or download access to a replacement
installation. It shall not encompass any other damages, including,
but not limited to, loss of product, commercial damage and special,
incidental, consequential, or other similar claims.
specifically disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied,
including but not limited to implied warranties or merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall C.G.S.
be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage,
including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or
other damages.