There is probably no other subject in the field of Casino Gambling with more variety and potential than the game of Blackjack (21). As you probably know, it is the ONE casino-banked game in which you can have an acknowledged mathematical advantage over the dealer during certain sectors of the game. While this IS well known, the debate rages on what constitutes an advantage, when that advantage ACTUALLY exists, and whether or not it can be legitimately exploited.
The articles, editorials and legal matters presented in this section of the website represent a diversity of topics regarding Casino Blackjack in particular, and gambling in general; where it fits into the overall scheme of the "Boris on Blackjack" format. Card-counters, Clump-Trackers and beginning players alike will probably find something of interest here.
If you are a writer, I would love to
showcase your stuff. If you have something to contribute, please e-mail
me with your ideas. I would like to showcase a diversity of
input, making this page the premiere source of unique information on
the game Blackjack. With your assistance that can happen.
Selecting an article or an editorial will
bring up a separate browser window to enhance your reading enjoyment.
When you are finished reading, close the window and you will come
back to this page.
Now, on with the program....
This section represents a selection of writings on the subject of Blackjack in general. You could probably call this Boris' potpourri on Blackjack. In this section writings will cover a variety of topics. However, certain topics will not be covered here, as they are showcased elsewhere on this website. Look elsewhere on this website for writeups on Team Play, Shuffle Machines, Clump Tracking and articles about Computer Software, along with Book Reviews and Blackjack System Reviews.
Thoughts on Blackjack in General
If you are somebody who likes to write,
about gambling and Blackjack in particular, this is the place where
you can have your ideas prominently showcased.
Even if you are not an accomplished
writer, if you can submit to me an outline of your idea, possibly
with my assistance, we can mold it into an excellent article. You
will be credited as the author and I will be credited as the
"with" writer. For example: "Why I think Blackjack is
a WINderful Game", by Joe R. Blow (assisted by Boris) - or
something like that. Give it a shot, you might find out that there is
a writer within you SCREAMING to be unleashed. If you have something
to contribute, please e-mail me with your idea(s).
The world of gambling and Blackjack is LOADED with things happening which beg to be commented about. This is the place where I get to speak my peace about issues that are important to me in this arena. You may or may not agree with me - that is irrevelant. What IS relevant is that the subject is broached. Quite possibly my speaking out will encourage YOU to speak up. In that case, we can showcase your response in the Guest Editorials section.
I would like to setup a Point, Counter-Point (or is that Clump, Counter-Clump) dialogue on this webpage. Anyone who feels up to the challenge and is capable of writing responsably, is welcome to volunteer for this challenge.
The world of gambling and Blackjack is
LOADED with things happening which beg to be commented about. This is
the place where you get to speak your peace about issues that are
important to you in the Blackjack and Gambling arena.
If you feel you have something to say and
are capable of writing responsibly, you are welcome to submit
your views for inclusion in this section. I do not guarantee
that everything considered will be included. However I DO promise
that all submissions will be given strong and objective consideration
to determine their appropriateness for being included in this section.
In recent years, the World of Casino Gambling has undergone some incredible changes. We have progressed from only 2 states with legalized casino gambling, to over 20. As such the legal implications have become more rife with complexity. This section of the website will attempt to showcase some to the more prominent legal issues regarding Casino Gambling and how it affects our daily lives.
Because things can change on a daily basis, most of the entries in this section will simply be links to other webpages which actually contain the information in question. If you should encounter a bad link here please notify me and I will correct the problem.
If you have
further questions or would like to contribute material,
please send e-mail to